There are indeed hundreds of thousands of pages you could read about the science of obesity and weight loss and energy metabolism. However you don’t need to read them.
You need to know it all comes down to energy balance. That’s calories in versus calories out. Many things affect the calories coming in versus out. Finding foods that control your satiety and hunger will help with the calories in. For the calories out, you may think you have a slow metabolism but it’s unlikely.
Eating a lot of plants from vegetables and legumes and fruits will keep you full. Same with protein rich food.
Figure out true serving and portion sizes. Weigh some servings out for a while to see what a serving really is.
If you’re not losing fat, you’re not in a caloric deficit. That means you’re still taking in more calories than you’re burning. Period. You’re not broken.
Sustainable fat loss and keeping it off comes down to finding a way to get into a negative energy balance/ caloric deficit while not being completely miserable. That’s it. You don’t HAVE to do keto. You don’t have to fast. You don’t have to do anything else weird. It’s not easy. But it’s simple.